Tax Tips

For most standard wage earners, preparing for your tax filing is fairly simple.  You receive a Form W2 in the mail and unless you have other rental properties or other complications, your return is relatively straightforward.  But for the freelancer, things aren’t quite as simple.

Posted January 12, 2019
Tax Planning

In 1993, then President Bill Clinton sought to find a support system to aid the rapid growth in the workforce, which was increasingly made up of women with families.  The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) was passed “to balance the demands of the workplace with the needs of families.

Posted January 5, 2019
Tax Strategies

With the introduction of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, many taxpayers are wondering how it will affect the tax deductibility of their medical items – like insurance.  Largely, the new tax bill has left these deduction as they were, albeit perhaps harder to take the itemized deductions

Posted December 24, 2018
Business Tips

When most of us think about running our business, we think about the fun things like product development, marketing and customer outreach.  For most business owners, the idea of accounting is, to say the least, not exciting.  We know we need it, and moreover, we love to do everything ourselves. But at the end of the day.

Posted December 18, 2018
Tax Planning

You had a great idea and now you’ve put it in motion as a business.  And while income recognition is easy to determine, qualified business deductions can be a bit harder.  So… what are the most common tax deductions for small businesses?

Posted December 10, 2018
Tax Strategies

It used to be that the term “Section 1031 Exchange” or even “Like-Kind Exchange” was uncommon except in certain circles.  But as the idea of tax strategies have reached more and more taxpayers coupled with the housing market’s fluctuation in recent years, 1031s have b

Posted December 4, 2018
Tax Tips

We’ve all heard it before.  That voice on the other end of the line that states that she or he is from the United States Treasury Department and you have an unpaid debt that needs to be settled, or else …  With the reduction in their workforce, the Internal Revenue Service has been authorized to utilize private debt collectors.  This has further

Posted November 26, 2018
Tax Planning

As the holidays near, more and more shoppers are turning to online methods of procuring that special gift.  And it makes complete sense.  The world of e-commerce opens the buyer up to products that may be unavailable in the local area, and it’s often cost-efficient.  With this massive turn in consumer spending, tax systems are struggling to keep

Posted November 19, 2018
Tax Planning

Small business ownership is a good way to take more control of your time and puts more money in your pocket.  But what is the true cost of small business ownership?  Surprisingly, many small business owners are faced with many challenges that may leave them with less time and less money than when they were earning a living working for someone el

Posted November 12, 2018
Tax Strategies

Before the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 bill was passed, buying a home was a big incentive to taxpayers looking to reduce their annual taxes.  While some states do have a benefit calculation on rental costs, and home office users can add rental costs to their expenses, for

Posted November 5, 2018